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Related links
Updated over a week ago

Related links are custom links that you can display on a content item‘s page in your app. A related link can point at any other page within your app or to an external website. A few examples of how related links can be used:

  • Display a “Buy the vinyl” link below a music video.

  • Display a “Buy the paperback” link below an audiobook

  • Display a “Read his latest book” link below an interview with an author.

⛔️ Please do not use this feature to sell digital content outside of your app. This violates the terms of service for both the App Store and Play Store and could result in your app being suspended.


Related links have the following properties:

  • Link - The page or website that will open when a user taps the link.

  • Title - The primary text shown for the link.

  • Subtitle (optional) - Secondary text shown below the link’s title.

  • Button label (optional) - Provide a label to display a button in the related link card. The card will be tappable whether a button is displayed or not.

  • Image (optional) - Provide an image to display next to the link‘s text. By default the artwork of the linked content, collection, or page will be displayed.

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