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Subscription plan benefits
Updated over 8 months ago

Subscription plan benefits help you communicate to your users what they will (and won’t) receive when they subscribe. Click on a subscription plan under the Monetization tab in your admin dashboard to enter the benefits for that plan. The benefits that you enter will be presented to your users on the sign up screen in your app.

Included and excluded benefits

In the admin portal each benefit is presented with a checkbox next to it. Check the box next to a benefit to indicate that it is included in the subscription plan. Leave the box unchecked to indicate that the benefit is not included. It’s entirely up to you how to organize benefits, but we recommend displaying all benefits on every plan and distinguishing plans by which benefits you mark as included. This approach is helpful in two ways:

  • It clarifies to users exactly what they are purchasing when they subscribe to a plan.

  • It encourages upsells by highlighting benefits that the user will miss out on.

🚧 Please do not manually enter prices in your plan’s metadata (e.g. “Save $2.00”). We automatically present prices in the appropriate amount and currency for the user’s region. Manually entered prices may be out of sync with the prices that we display, resulting in a confusing experience for your users and even app submission rejections from Apple or Google.

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