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Subscription plan details
Updated over 8 months ago

The following options allow you to customize the way subscription plans are presented on your pricing page.


Give your plan a very short title to help customers identify it among your offerings. If you have a single offering then you might choose titles like “Membership”, “Monthly”, or “Yearly”. If you have multiple offerings then you might choose titles like “Basic”, “Premium”, or “Ultimate”. Titles do not have to be unique if they offer the same benefits. For example you might have a “Basic” monthly plan and a “Basic” annual plan.


Provide a brief summary of what users will receive if they purchase the plan. You may choose to omit this if you add benefits to the plan.


This option allows you display a badge on a subscription plan. This is useful for calling out a highly compelling feature of the plan or its pricing (e.g. “30 day free trial”, “Save 16%”, or “Includes livestreams”).


This option allows you to highlight one or more plans over the others to encourage users to select them.

Equivalent monthly price

This option allows you to show the equivalent monthly price for a yearly plan to help users compare plan value.


You can list the specific benefits that your plan unlocks.

🚧 Please do not manually enter prices in your plan’s metadata (e.g. “Save $2.00”). We automatically present prices in the appropriate amount and currency for the user’s region. Manually entered prices may be out of sync with the prices that we display, resulting in a confusing experience for your users and even app submission rejections from Apple or Google.

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