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Setup App Store subscription plan
Setup App Store subscription plan
Updated over a week ago

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up Apple subscription plans for purchase in your iOS app.

1. Create a subscription group

🚧 Skip this step if you already have a subscription group. Do not create multiple subscription groups.

  1. Sign into App Store Connect and select your app.

  2. Click “Subscriptions” in the left menu.

  3. Click “Create” under “Subscription Groups” and give the group whatever reference name you like. This name will not be public.

  4. Click “Create” under “App Store Localization” and give the subscription group a display name. This will be shown to your users next to the name of their subscription plan, so choose something that would make sense (e.g. “Paid Subscription”, “Premium Subscription”, etc.)

2. Add a subscription plan

  1. Select your subscription group and click the blue plus icon next to “Subscriptions” to add a new subscription plan. Fill the fields in as follows:

    • Reference Name: The name of the plan as you would like it to appear in your admin dashboard. This name will not be public.

    • Product ID: The product ID can be anything you like, but it’s standard to use your domain name reversed and qualified. For example if your domain name is you might use com.mycompany.myapp.monthly for your monthly subscription.

  2. Fill out the following fields on the page for your new subscription:

    • Subscription Duration: Choose how often the subscription should renew. Treefort supports subscription terms of 1 month or more. Weekly subscriptions are not supported.

    • Availability: Click “Setup Up Availability” and choose the regions where you would like your subscription to be sold. Unless you need to limit the reach of your app we recommend leaving all regions selected except for “China mainland” under "Asia Pacific”. Apple requires a license from the Chinese Communist Party in order to publish in that region.

    • Subscription Prices: Click the “Add Subscription Price” button and choose your home region and price. Click “Next”. Apple will automatically calculate international prices for you. Unless you want to set specific regional prices we recommend leaving the defaults alone. Click “Next” again and then “Confirm”.

    • App Store Localization: Click “Add Localization”. Enter the name and description of your plan as you would like them to appear when users checkout.

    • Review information: We will fill this out for you

    • Click “Save”

3. Notify Treefort

Let us know when you would like your new plan to go live and we’ll import it into the Monetization tab in your admin dashboard and submit it to Apple for review.

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