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Group membership details
Updated over a month ago


Give your group membership a title. App users will see this when they enter a code for the group membership on the subscription page in the web app.


Optionally add a description to your group membership. Users will see this along with the title when they enter a code for the group membership on the subscription page in the web app.

Max members

This is the number of users that will be allowed to join the group membership. If you don't enter a number then there is no limit to how many users can join.

Setting max members only affects access for new subscribers. For example, if you set max members to 1 after 10 users have already subscribed, those 10 users won't lose access, but no new users will be able to subscribe to the membership.

Expiration date

If you don't set a date then subscribers will remain part of the group membership perpetually. If you set an expiration date, then after that date the group membership will expire, all members of the group will lose access, and no new users will be able to join the group. If a group membership has expired, you can make it available to users again by setting the expiration date to the future. Subscribers who were members of the group when it expired will need to rejoin the group membership.

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