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Coupon codes
Updated over 3 months ago

You can use coupon codes (aka promo codes) to give new subscribers a deal when they sign up. For example you might use a coupon code to offer new subscribers 50% off their first three months, $10 off their first month, etc.

🚧 Coupon codes are only supported on the web via the Stripe or Web Payment integrations.

Creating coupon codes

You can create codes from the Coupons page in your Stripe dashboard. When you create a code, make sure to select “Use customer-facing coupon codes” to create a code that users can enter when they subscribe in your app.

Sharing coupon codes

You can share the customer-facing code from Stripe directly with your users (e.g. in a marketing email). Users can enter the coupon code into the input at the top of your web app’s checkout page or into the input on the Stripe checkout page.

You can also create a link to your app with the code embedded in it. To do this, add the code at the end of the URL https://<your app domain>/menu/checkout/<code here> (e.g. When a user clicks your link (or scans it as a QR code if you’d like to get fancy) then they will be taken to the checkout page of your app with the code pre-filled.

👉 Codes are not case-sensitive. The codes “BLACKFRIDAY100” and “BlackFriday100” will be treated the same.


If you wish to offer discounts to users when they purchase a gift subscription via Gift Up then you can follow their Running a promotion guide.

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